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TheCorporateCounsel.net Blog aka known as Broc Romanek’s Blog has been posting on corporate governance and has a November 19, 2003 posting entitled: “What to Disclose under the New SRO Standards”.

For an informative October 27, 2003 discussion of SRO’s (self-regulatory organizations) by Rachel McTague and the Securities Regulation & Law Report at BNA’s Corporate Law & Business Professional Information Center see her article here.

The background for the new standards can be read at the March 26, 2003 statement by SEC Chairman William H. Donaldson entitled “Letter to Exchange Officers Regarding SRO Corporate Governance“, where Donaldson writes:

Self-regulatory organizations play a critical role as standard setters for issuing companies, operators of trading markets, and front-line regulators of securities firms. At the urging of the SEC, two of the self-regulatory organizations, the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ have both proposed new corporate governance listing standards for publicly traded companies, and the SEC continues to help them harmonize their proposals to the extent possible.

As Broc notes, Donaldson then also has delivered a later speech concerning corporate governance.

Particularly of interest to corporate lawyers are the future corporate governance webcasts which are discussed at Broc Romanek’s Blog. The links to GreatGovernance.com are also useful.