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Modern Practice, FindLaw’s Law Practice and Technology Magazine in the December, 2003 Editor’s Corner in an article entitled, “The Blogbook: Open Source Lawyering” writes:

“Currently there are hundreds of legal blogs, written and operated by attorneys, law librarians, professors, legal pundits, former judges and almost anyone with an opinion. Topics range from general legal perspectives on current events, to very specific areas of jurisprudence. For every niche area of the law, there seems to be a legal blog that covers it. Some of the more popular legal blogs include Denise Howell’s Bag and Baggage, Andis Kaulins’s LawPundit, Rick Hasen’s Election Law, and Howard Bashman’s How Appealing.”

We are thankful for the kudos, but there is still a lot to do. Once a good share of the public as well as the mainstream of the legal community discover that legal blogs especially are extremely useful sources of information – a discovery which has not yet taken place – blawgs will become far more popular than they are. We are working on it.