Gentlemen, start your engines!
and get out those pencils and paper. We are ready to roll!

Cybersource Corp. v. Retail Decisions, Inc.
N.D. Cal., March 26, 2009, No. C. 04-03268 MHP

Sheri Qualters at The National Law Journal reports: In Notable Post-‘Bilski’ Ruling, Federal Circuit Finds Software Patent Invalid, wrote:

“In a closely watched case about business method patentability following the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in Bilski v. Kappos, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit found broad software patent claims invalid because they attempt to capture “unpatentable mental processes.””

quoting the opinion of Judge Dyk:

“[M]erely claiming a software implementation of a purely mental process that could otherwise be performed without the use of a computer does not satisfy the machine prong of the machine-or-transformation test….”

See also:

Evan Kubota (edited by Caitlyn Ross) at JOLT DIGEST, District Court Applies Bilski to Deny Validity of Business Method Patent Claims

but compare:

Timothy B. Lee at ars technica: Does not compute: court says only hard math is patentable