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Click the title of this blog posting to obtain a header photograph of the LawPundit and his better half at Stonehenge in September 2005. We are — not by chance —  standing at the Stonehenge-marked center of our galaxy on a line that extends from the tallest trilithon through the Ophiuchus megalith behind us directly to us. We adjoin the standing stone between us that marked Virgo in the stars, an homage to the ladies. If you look closely, you can see the “figure-like” face carved into the stone.

The traditional live celebration of the annual astronomical Summer Solstice (Midsummer) at the Stonehenge megalithic standing stones has been cancelled for 2020 by English Heritage, but, according to Robb Report, the event is nevertheless to be made available digitally for the first time ever by livestream. Let us all hope for good weather on June 21, 2020 and for millions of observers! Our “time” on Earth is, after all, measured by astronomical events, something often forgotten in our temporal era.

For background and astronomical speculations as to why Stonehenge was constructed thousands of years ago, see our

The Stonehenge Decipherment at the following links:

and for readers interested in our Avebury Stones Decipherment
please start at
